
desolation (EN)

Nafnorð “desolation”

eintala desolation, óteljanlegt
  1. djúp sorg og einmanaleiki
    After the divorce, he wandered his empty home, overwhelmed by a profound desolation.
  2. eyðilegging (ástand þar sem staður er rúinn eða eyðilagður)
    After the wildfire, the forest was a scene of desolation, with charred trees and ash-covered ground as far as the eye could see.
  3. eyðileggingarferli (ferlið við að eyðileggja stað, oft með þeim afleiðingum að hann verður mannlaus)
    The desolation of the ancient city was complete, its buildings reduced to rubble and its people long since fled.
  4. eyðimörk (svæði sem hefur verið eyðilagt og yfirgefið)
    The abandoned village had become a desolation, with empty houses and overgrown streets where no one dared to live.