adjective “final”
මූල රූපය final (more/most)
- අවසාන
ලියාපදිංචි වන්න උදාහරණ වාක්යවල පරිවර්තන සහ එක් එක් වචනයේ එකම භාෂා අර්ථකථන දැකීමට.
We reached the final stage of our project just before the deadline.
- තීරණාත්මක
The judge's ruling was final, so there was no chance of appealing further.
- අවසාන (අභිප්රාය)
Their final objective was to provide clean drinking water for the entire community.
- අවසාන (අරමුණ)
In “I left early so I could catch my train,” the phrase “so I could catch my train” is a final clause.
noun “final”
එකවචන final, බහුවචන finals
- අවසාන විභාගය
I stayed up all night studying for my finals because they could determine my overall grade.
- අවසාන විභාගය (උපාධි)
He felt both nervous and excited before sitting his finals at Oxford.
- අවසාන තරගය
Two skilled teams will meet in the final tomorrow to decide the champion.
- (භාෂා විද්යාවෙහි) අක්ෂරයක අවසාන කොටස
When analyzing the syllable's structure, pay close attention to the final.
- (සංගීතයේ) ග්රෙගෝරියානු මාධ්යයේ ප්රධාන සුරාවිය හෝ ටොනික් සුරාවිය
The choir ended on the final, giving the hymn a strong sense of resolution.