trip (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “trip”

sg. trip, pl. trips
  1. excursie
    Last summer, our family took a trip to the mountains.
  2. halucinație (din cauza drogurilor)
    After taking the mushrooms, she described her trip as a journey through a colorful, dreamlike world.
  3. euforie (stare de încredere sau ego puternic)
    Winning the award was a huge ego trip for him, making him feel invincible.
  4. împiedicare
    She had a trip on the uneven sidewalk and scraped her knee.

verb “trip”

trip; he trips; past tripped, part. tripped; ger. tripping
  1. a se împiedica
    She tripped over the toy car left in the hallway.
  2. a împiedica (pe altcineva)
    The dog accidentally tripped the child by running into his legs.
  3. a greși (sau a face ceva imoral)
    Despite his careful planning, John tripped by telling a lie during the meeting.
  4. a declanșa
    He tripped the alarm as soon as he opened the door.
  5. a se declanșa
    The circuit breaker tripped when the power surge hit.
  6. a halucina (din cauza drogurilor)
    After eating the magic mushrooms, she began to trip and saw dancing lights everywhere.
  7. a călători (pe scurtă durată)
    Every winter, they trip to the mountains for skiing.