substantiv “foot”
singular foot, plural feet
- picior
Înscrieți-vă pentru a vedea traducerile exemplelor de propoziții și definițiile monolingve ale fiecărui cuvânt.
He slipped and injured his foot while running.
- picior (o unitate de lungime egală cu 12 inci sau aproximativ 30 de centimetri)
The ceiling is eight feet high.
- bază
They set up the tent at the foot of the mountain.
- suport (la bază)
The new sofa has wooden feet.
- capăt (al patului)
He placed his shoes at the foot of the bed.
- subsol (al paginii)
There are notes at the foot of each page.
- picior (în poezie)
The poem is written in iambic pentameter, which has five feet per line.
- Picior (partea unei mașini de cusut care ține materialul jos)
Lower the presser foot before starting to sew.
- mers (pe jos)
We decided to go there on foot rather than drive.
verb “foot”
infinitiv foot; el foots; trecut footed; part. trecut footed; ger. footing
- a plăti
The company agreed to foot the bill for the dinner.