sustantivo “foot”
- pie
Regístrese para ver las traducciones de las oraciones de ejemplo y las definiciones monolingües de cada palabra.
He slipped and injured his foot while running.
- pie (una unidad de longitud igual a 12 pulgadas o aproximadamente 30 centímetros)
The ceiling is eight feet high.
- base
They set up the tent at the foot of the mountain.
- base (de un objeto)
The new sofa has wooden feet.
- pie (de una cama)
He placed his shoes at the foot of the bed.
- pie (de una página)
There are notes at the foot of each page.
- pie (en poesía)
The poem is written in iambic pentameter, which has five feet per line.
- prensatelas (la parte de una máquina de coser que sujeta la tela)
Lower the presser foot before starting to sew.
- pie (desplazamiento)
We decided to go there on foot rather than drive.
verbo “foot”
infinitivo foot; él foots; pret. footed; part. footed; ger. footing
- pagar
The company agreed to foot the bill for the dinner.