Substantiv “foot”
- Fuß
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He slipped and injured his foot while running.
- Fuß (eine Längeneinheit, gleich 12 Zoll oder etwa 30 Zentimeter)
The ceiling is eight feet high.
- Fuß (unterster Teil)
They set up the tent at the foot of the mountain.
- Sockel
The new sofa has wooden feet.
- Fußende
He placed his shoes at the foot of the bed.
- Fußzeile
There are notes at the foot of each page.
- Versfuß
The poem is written in iambic pentameter, which has five feet per line.
- Nähfuß (der Teil einer Nähmaschine, der den Stoff festhält)
Lower the presser foot before starting to sew.
- Zu fuß
We decided to go there on foot rather than drive.
Verb “foot”
Infinitiv foot; er foots; Prät. footed; Part. footed; Ger. footing
- begleichen
The company agreed to foot the bill for the dinner.