substantiv “core”
singular core, plural cores sau neînumărabil
- nucleu
Înscrieți-vă pentru a vedea traducerile exemplelor de propoziții și definițiile monolingve ale fiecărui cuvânt.
At the core of their success was a dedicated team and hard work.
- miez
The core of a pencil is commonly called “lead”.
- cotor
After eating the apple, she tossed the core into the compost bin.
- trunchi (mușchii abdomenului și ai spatelui inferior)
Daily exercises can help you build a stronger core and reduce back pain.
- nucleu (procesor individual într-o unitate centrală de procesare)
Modern video games often require a CPU with multiple cores to run smoothly.
- nucleu (partea centrală a Pământului sau a unei alte planete)
Scientists believe that the core is responsible for the Earth's magnetic field.
- (în geologie) un eșantion cilindric de rocă sau sol obținut prin foraj
The team extracted a core from the ice sheet to study climate changes over time.
- miez (partea centrală a unui reactor nuclear)
The engineers monitored the temperature of the reactor core closely.
- (parte dintr-o matriță) partea internă a unei matrițe care modelează interiorul unui produs
During casting, molten metal is poured around a core to form hollow spaces in the final product.
verb “core”
infinitiv core; el cores; trecut cored; part. trecut cored; ger. coring
- a scoate cotorul
Before baking the apples, she cored them and filled them with cinnamon.
- a extrage un eșantion cilindric din ceva folosind un burghiu
The engineers cored the rock to analyze its composition.
adjectiv “core”
formă de bază core, negradabil
- central
Mathematics and English are core subjects in the school curriculum.