
mobile (EN)
adjetivo, substantivo, substantivo

adjetivo “mobile”

forma base mobile (more/most)
  1. móvel
    The equipment is highly mobile and can be transported quickly.
  2. móvel (relacionado a celulares)
    He is developing a new mobile application for smartphones.
  3. móvel (de uma pessoa, capaz de se mover livremente)
    After the surgery, she became more mobile and could walk without assistance.
  4. móvel (de traços faciais ou expressão, mudando ou capaz de mudar rapidamente)
    His mobile face showed a range of emotions in a matter of seconds.
  5. móvel (biologia, capaz de movimento espontâneo)
    Mobile organisms can relocate to find better conditions.

substantivo “mobile”

sg. mobile, pl. mobiles
  1. telemóvel
    She left her mobile at home and missed important calls.
  2. dispositivos móveis ou internet móvel coletivamente
    There are many business opportunities in mobile.
  3. móvel (pessoa)
    The facility provides services for both mobiles and those with mobility challenges.

substantivo “mobile”

sg. mobile, pl. mobiles
  1. móbile
    The gallery featured a striking mobile that moved gently with the air currents.