sifat “mobile”
bentuk dasar mobile (more/most)
- obah
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The equipment is highly mobile and can be transported quickly.
- seluler
He is developing a new mobile application for smartphones.
- obah (saka wong, bisa obah kanthi bebas)
After the surgery, she became more mobile and could walk without assistance.
- gampang owah (babagan ciri rai utawa ekspresi, owah utawa bisa owah kanthi cepet)
His mobile face showed a range of emotions in a matter of seconds.
- mobile (biologi, bisa obah kanthi spontan)
Mobile organisms can relocate to find better conditions.
kata benda “mobile”
tunggal mobile, jamak mobiles
- HP
She left her mobile at home and missed important calls.
- piranti seluler utawa internet seluler sacara kolektif
There are many business opportunities in mobile.
- wong sing isa obah
The facility provides services for both mobiles and those with mobility challenges.
kata benda “mobile”
tunggal mobile, jamak mobiles
- hiasan gantung
The gallery featured a striking mobile that moved gently with the air currents.