
brick (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “brick”

entall brick, flertall bricks eller utellelig
  1. murstein
    The builders used thousands of bricks to construct the new library.
  2. kloss
    The boy likes to play with Lego bricks.
  3. mursteinsrød
    She chose a brick dress for the evening.
  4. ubrukelig enhet (elektronisk enhet som ikke fungerer)
    After the failed update, my laptop turned into a brick.
  5. bomskudd (dårlig skudd i basketball)
    He threw up a brick from half-court as the clock ran out.
  6. strømkloss (tung strømforsyning)
    Don't forget to pack the brick for your laptop when you travel.
  7. ubrukelig kort (kort som ikke forbedrer hånden)
    The last card was a brick, so I didn't improve my pair.
  8. kilo (kilo med narkotika)
    The police found two bricks of cocaine hidden in the car.
  9. ammunisjonspakke (pakke med 500 patroner)
    I bought a brick of .22 ammo for our target practice.
  10. pålitelig person (pålitelig og troverdig person)
    She's always been a brick in times of need.

verb “brick”

infinitiv brick; han bricks; preteritum bricked; perfektum part. bricked; ger. bricking
  1. ødelegge (gjøre en elektronisk enhet ubrukelig)
    She accidentally bricked her tablet while trying to update it.
  2. kaste murstein på (treffe med murstein)
    Someone bricked the glass door during the protest.