kata benda “brick”
tunggal brick, jamak bricks atau tak terhitung
- batu bata
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
The builders used thousands of bricks to construct the new library.
- balok mainan
The boy likes to play with Lego bricks.
- merah bata
She chose a brick dress for the evening.
- perangkat mati (tidak bisa diperbaiki)
After the failed update, my laptop turned into a brick.
- tembakan meleset
He threw up a brick from half-court as the clock ran out.
- adaptor berat
Don't forget to pack the brick for your laptop when you travel.
- kartu mati
The last card was a brick, so I didn't improve my pair.
- sekilo narkoba
The police found two bricks of cocaine hidden in the car.
- kotak amunisi
I bought a brick of .22 ammo for our target practice.
- orang terpercaya
She's always been a brick in times of need.
kata kerja “brick”
infinitif brick; dia bricks; lampau bricked; part. lampau bricked; ger. bricking
- merusak perangkat
She accidentally bricked her tablet while trying to update it.
- melempar batu bata
Someone bricked the glass door during the protest.