Substantiv “brick”
Sg. brick, Pl. bricks od. unz.
- Ziegelstein
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The builders used thousands of bricks to construct the new library.
- Bauklotz
The boy likes to play with Lego bricks.
- Ziegelrot
She chose a brick dress for the evening.
- Defektes gerät (nicht reparierbar)
After the failed update, my laptop turned into a brick.
- Fehlwurf (Basketball)
He threw up a brick from half-court as the clock ran out.
- Netzteil (schwer)
Don't forget to pack the brick for your laptop when you travel.
- Nutzlose karte (poker)
The last card was a brick, so I didn't improve my pair.
- Kilo Drogen (besonders Kokain)
The police found two bricks of cocaine hidden in the car.
- Munitionspackung (500 Patronen)
I bought a brick of .22 ammo for our target practice.
- Zuverlässige person
She's always been a brick in times of need.
Verb “brick”
Infinitiv brick; er bricks; Prät. bricked; Part. bricked; Ger. bricking
- unbrauchbar machen (Gerät durch Software beschädigen)
She accidentally bricked her tablet while trying to update it.
- mit einem Ziegelstein schlagen
Someone bricked the glass door during the protest.