
shelve (EN)
kata kerja

kata kerja “shelve”

infinitif shelve; dia shelves; l.b. shelved; l.t. shelved; ger. shelving
  1. meletakkan di rak
    The librarian shelved the returned books.
  2. menangguhkan
    The company decided to shelve the new product line due to market conditions.
  3. memasang rak
    They plan to shelve the basement walls for extra storage.
  4. (tanah atau permukaan) untuk condong secara beransur-ansur
    The beach shelves gently into the ocean, making it safe for children.
  5. mengambil dadah dengan memasukkannya ke dalam dubur atau faraj
    After much debate, he decided to shelve the pill for a quicker effect.