
shelve (EN)

動詞 “shelve”

不定詞 shelve; 三単現 shelves; 過去形 shelved; 過去分詞 shelved; 動名詞 shelving
  1. 棚に置く
    The librarian shelved the returned books.
  2. 棚上げする(計画やアイデアを延期または中止する)
    The company decided to shelve the new product line due to market conditions.
  3. 棚を設置する
    They plan to shelve the basement walls for extra storage.
  4. (地面や表面が)徐々に傾斜する
    The beach shelves gently into the ocean, making it safe for children.
  5. 肛門や膣に薬物を挿入して摂取すること。
    After much debate, he decided to shelve the pill for a quicker effect.