way (EN)
नाम, क्रियाविशेषण

नाम “way”

sg. way, pl. ways or uncountable
  1. मार्ग
    The scenic way through the forest takes longer, but it's worth the views.
  2. प्रवेशद्वार (प्रवेश किंवा निर्गमासाठीचा मार्ग)
    The cat found a secret way out of the house through a loose floorboard in the laundry room.
  3. प्रदेश
    When you travel out our way, make sure to check out the local farmers' market.
  4. पद्धत (काही करण्याची विशिष्ट शैली किंवा दृष्टिकोन)
    He has a funny way of telling stories that always makes everyone laugh.
  5. अवस्था (किंवा स्थिती)
    After the storm passed, the entire town was left in a chaotic way, with debris scattered everywhere.
  6. शक्यता (काही घडण्याची किंवा केल्या जाण्याची संभाव्यता)
    Is there any way you could lend me a hand with this project?
  7. निवडलेली कृती किंवा वर्तनाची पद्धत.
    Despite our advice, John was set in his ways and refused to change his daily routine.
  8. प्रमाण (किंवा स्तर)
    She was in no way ready to run a marathon.
  9. व्यंग (काम पूर्ण केल्याबद्दलचे व्यंगात्मक कौतुक, सामान्यत: नकारात्मक परिणामांसाठी वापरले जाते)
    Way to spill the coffee on the new carpet, genius.

क्रियाविशेषण “way”

  1. प्रचंड (किंवा खूप मोठ्या प्रमाणात)
    She was way happier after getting the good news.
  2. बरीच अंतरावर (किंवा मोठ्या अंतरावर)
    She threw the ball way farther than I could.