q (EN)
burts, noteikšķis, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
Q (burts, lietvārds, īpašības vārds, simbols)

burts “q”

  1. burta "Q" mazais burts
    In the word "quick," the letter "q" is followed by a "u."

noteikšķis “q”

  1. medicīnā lietots, lai nozīmētu "katru" sekojošu laika periodu
    Take 1 tablet q 8 hrs for pain relief.

simbols “q”

  1. simbols elektriskajai lādējumam fizikā
    The formula q = I * t calculates the total electrical charge from the current (I) and the time (t) it flows.
  2. simbols dinamiskajam spiedienam šķidrumu dinamikā
    The aircraft's wings are designed to withstand the dynamic pressure q = ½ρv², where ρ is the air density and v is the velocity.