q (EN)
bogstav, bestemmerord, symbol

Dette ord kan også være en form af:
Q (bogstav, Navneord, tillægsord, symbol)

bogstav “q”

  1. det lille bogstav "q"
    In the word "quick," the letter "q" is followed by a "u."

bestemmerord “q”

  1. brugt i medicin til at betyde "hver" efterfulgt af en tidsperiode
    Take 1 tablet q 8 hrs for pain relief.

symbol “q”

  1. et symbol for elektrisk ladning i fysik
    The formula q = I * t calculates the total electrical charge from the current (I) and the time (t) it flows.
  2. et symbol for dynamisk tryk i fluiddynamik
    The aircraft's wings are designed to withstand the dynamic pressure q = ½ρv², where ρ is the air density and v is the velocity.