q (EN)
letter, bepaler, simbool

Hierdie woord kan ook 'n vorm wees van:
Q (letter, Selfstandige naamwoord, byvoeglike naamwoord, simbool)

letter “q”

  1. die kleinlettervorm van die letter "Q"
    In the word "quick," the letter "q" is followed by a "u."

bepaler “q”

  1. gebruik in medisyne om "elke" gevolg deur 'n tydperk te beteken
    Take 1 tablet q 8 hrs for pain relief.

simbool “q”

  1. 'n simbool vir elektriese lading in fisika
    The formula q = I * t calculates the total electrical charge from the current (I) and the time (t) it flows.
  2. 'n simbool vir dinamiese druk in vloeidinamika
    The aircraft's wings are designed to withstand the dynamic pressure q = ½ρv², where ρ is the air density and v is the velocity.