P (EN)
burts, simbols, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
p (burts, lietvārds, simbols)

burts “P”

  1. burtu "p" lielais burts
    The name Paul starts with a capital P.

simbols “P”

  1. peta- (prefikss, kas nozīmē reizināšanu ar 10 pakāpē 15)
    The new telescope has a resolution of 1 PB, allowing it to capture incredibly detailed images of distant galaxies.

simbols “P”

  1. simbols fosforam (ķīmiskajam elementam)
    Bananas are a good source of several minerals (e.g. K and P).
  2. 1-burta apzīmējums prolinam, ko izmanto bioķīmijā
    In the protein sequence, "P" stands for proline.
  3. simbols varbūtībai, ko izmanto matemātikā
    If you flip a fair coin, the P(landing on heads) = 0.5.
  4. simbols jaudai fizikā (enerģijas daudzums noteiktā laika posmā)
    The formula P = I * V is used to calculate the power in an electrical circuit.
  5. poāze (mērvienība, ar kuru mēra šķidruma viskozitāti)
    The viscosity of the liquid was measured at 10 P, indicating it was quite thick.
  6. (datorzinātnē) problēmu klase, ko var atrisināt polinomiālā laikā
    The P ≠ NP is one of the biggest unsolved problems in computer science.