P (EN)
harf, ramz, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
p (harf, ot, ramz)

harf “P”

  1. "p" harfining katta harf shakli
    The name Paul starts with a capital P.

ramz “P”

  1. peta- (prefiks, 10 ning 15-darajasi bilan koʻpaytirishni anglatadi)
    The new telescope has a resolution of 1 PB, allowing it to capture incredibly detailed images of distant galaxies.

ramz “P”

  1. fosforning (kimyoviy element) ramzi
    Bananas are a good source of several minerals (e.g. K and P).
  2. bioximiyada prolin uchun ishlatiladigan 1-harfli qisqartma
    In the protein sequence, "P" stands for proline.
  3. matematikada ehtimollik uchun ishlatiladigan belgi
    If you flip a fair coin, the P(landing on heads) = 0.5.
  4. fizikada quvvat belgisi (ma'lum vaqt ichida ishlatilgan energiya miqdori)
    The formula P = I * V is used to calculate the power in an electrical circuit.
  5. suyuqlikning qovushqoqligini o'lchash birligi (poise)
    The viscosity of the liquid was measured at 10 P, indicating it was quite thick.
  6. (kompyuter fanida) polinomial vaqt ichida yechim topish mumkin bo'lgan muammolar sinfi
    The P ≠ NP is one of the biggest unsolved problems in computer science.