P (EN)

p (字母,名词,符号)

字母 “P”

  1. 字母“p”的大写形式
    The name Paul starts with a capital P.

符号 “P”

  1. “peta-”是一个前缀,表示乘以10的15次方。
    The new telescope has a resolution of 1 PB, allowing it to capture incredibly detailed images of distant galaxies.

符号 “P”

  1. 磷的化学元素符号是P。
    Bananas are a good source of several minerals (e.g. K and P).
  2. 生物化学中脯氨酸的1字母缩写是P。
    In the protein sequence, "P" stands for proline.
  3. 在数学中用于表示概率的符号
    If you flip a fair coin, the P(landing on heads) = 0.5.
  4. 物理学中表示功率的符号(在一定时间内使用的能量量)
    The formula P = I * V is used to calculate the power in an electrical circuit.
  5. 粘度单位(用于测量液体的粘稠程度)
    The viscosity of the liquid was measured at 10 P, indicating it was quite thick.
  6. (在计算机科学中)可在多项式时间内解决的问题类别
    The P ≠ NP is one of the biggest unsolved problems in computer science.