būdvardis “cooperative”
pagr. forma cooperative (more/most)
- paslaugus
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
During the group project, the students were very cooperative and completed their tasks efficiently.
- bendradarbiavimo (susijęs su bendru darbu)
In order to develop new technology, the two companies entered into a cooperative agreement.
- kooperatyvas (organizacija, įmonė ir pan., bendrai priklausanti ir valdoma narių, kurie dalijasi pelnu)
After moving to the countryside, she joined a cooperative farm where all members share the responsibilities and profits.
daiktavardis “cooperative”
vns. cooperative, dgs. cooperatives
- kooperatyvas (organizacija arba verslas, kuris priklauso ir yra valdomas bendrai jo narių, kurie dalijasi pelnu ar nauda)
A group of local artisans decided to start a cooperative to sell their handmade crafts in a shared store.