
cooperative (EN)
pridjev, imenica

pridjev “cooperative”

osnovni oblik cooperative (more/most)
  1. susretljiv
    During the group project, the students were very cooperative and completed their tasks efficiently.
  2. suradnički
    In order to develop new technology, the two companies entered into a cooperative agreement.
  3. zadružni (organizacija, tvrtka itd., u zajedničkom vlasništvu i vođena od strane članova, koji dijele dobit)
    After moving to the countryside, she joined a cooperative farm where all members share the responsibilities and profits.

imenica “cooperative”

jednina cooperative, množina cooperatives
  1. zadruga (organizacija ili poslovni subjekt koji je u vlasništvu i kojim zajednički upravljaju njegovi članovi, koji dijele dobit ili koristi)
    A group of local artisans decided to start a cooperative to sell their handmade crafts in a shared store.