adjective “Greek”
Grondform Greek, net stufbar
- griichesch
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
She studied Greek mythology in her literature class.
- (US) am Zesummenhang mat College Fraternitéiten oder Sororitéiten
He enjoyed being part of the Greek community during his university years.
proper noun “Greek”
- Griichesch
He learned Greek to read ancient texts in their original form.
noun “Greek”
Singular Greek, Plural Greeks
- Griich
We had a fascinating conversation with a Greek we met at the café.
- (een aus den USA, am Volleksmond) e Member vun enger College-Bridderlechkeet oder Schwësterlechkeet
She became a Greek to make new friends on campus.
noun “Greek”
Singular Greek, onzieleg
- griichesch (Kichen)
They decided to cook Greek for the family dinner.
- (figurativ, am Volleksmond) onverständlech Sprooch; eppes Onverständleches
The legal document was Greek to me, so I asked a lawyer to explain.
- Plazhalertext, deen am Design benotzt gëtt; lorem ipsum
The graphic artist filled the brochure with Greek until the final text was approved.