pridevnik “Greek”
osnovna oblika Greek, ne-stopnjevno
- grški
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
She studied Greek mythology in her literature class.
- (povezano z ZDA) povezano s študentskimi bratovščinami ali sestrstvi
He enjoyed being part of the Greek community during his university years.
lastno ime “Greek”
- grščina
He learned Greek to read ancient texts in their original form.
samostalnik “Greek”
ednina Greek, množina Greeks
- Grk
We had a fascinating conversation with a Greek we met at the café.
- (ameriško, pogovorno) član študentskega bratstva ali sestrstva
She became a Greek to make new friends on campus.
samostalnik “Greek”
- grška kuhinja
They decided to cook Greek for the family dinner.
- (figure, pogovorno) nerazumljiv jezik; nekaj nerazumljivega
The legal document was Greek to me, so I asked a lawyer to explain.
- nadomestno besedilo, ki se uporablja v oblikovanju; lorem ipsum
The graphic artist filled the brochure with Greek until the final text was approved.