task (EN)
аталыш сөз, этиш

аталыш сөз “task”

sg. task, pl. tasks
  1. иш
    Washing the car was a task he actually enjoyed on sunny afternoons.
  2. кыйын иш (кыйынчылык туудурган иш)
    Organizing the charity event felt like a herculean task given the tight deadline.
  3. максат
    Their main task for the year was to increase the company's market share.
  4. процесс (компьютердик иштөө процесси)
    After the update, the computer began to slow down due to too many background tasks running simultaneously.

этиш “task”

task; he tasks; past tasked, part. tasked; ger. tasking
  1. тапшырма берүү
    The manager tasked her with creating a comprehensive report on market trends.
  2. оор иш менен жүктөө (адамга оор иш жүктөө)
    The old bridge was tasked beyond its capacity with the heavy traffic.
  3. күнөөлөө (адамды бир нерсеге күнөөлөө)
    The critic tasked the director with neglecting the source material in the movie adaptation.