этиш “stand”
инфинитив stand; ал stands; өткөн чак stood; өткөн пат. stood; гер. standing
- тик туруу
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
She stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus.
- ордунан туруу
When the teacher entered, the students all stood.
- кыймылдабай туруу
The car stood in the driveway for weeks.
- жайгашуу
The old house stands at the end of the lane.
- чыдоо
I can't stand the noise from the construction site.
- позицияны кармануу
She stands for equal opportunities in education.
- күчүндө калуу
The agreement still stands despite the changes.
- туруштук берүү
This bridge has stood the test of time.
- талапкер болуу
He decided to stand for Parliament in the coming elections.
аталыш сөз “stand”
жекелик stand, көптүк stands
- таякча
She placed the microphone on the stand before speaking.
- соода түйүнү
We bought souvenirs from a stand at the fair.
- бекем позиция
He took a strong stand against discrimination.
- дарактар тобу
The forest ranger monitored the health of the stand of pines.
- күбө отурган жер
The witness stepped up to the stand to give her account.
- каршылык көрсөтүү
The army made a final stand at the river.
- трибуна
She waved to her family in the stands.
- токтоочу жай
We waited at the taxi stand for a ride home.
- концерттик программа
The singer's stand at the theater was extended due to popular demand.