
platform (EN)
аталыш сөз

аталыш сөз “platform”

жекелик platform, көптүк platforms
  1. аянтча
    The speaker stood on the platform to address the crowd.
  2. перрон
    The train to London is waiting at platform 3.
  3. трибуна
    The conference provided a platform for new researchers to present their work.
  4. платформа (саясий)
    The candidate's platform includes plans for improving education.
  5. платформа (компьютердик)
    This software runs on multiple platforms, including Windows and MacOS.
  6. платформа (онлайн кызмат)
    The social media platform has millions of users around the world.
  7. тепкич
    The workers stood on a platform to reach the roof.
  8. ар кандай унаа моделдери арасында бөлүшүлгөн компоненттердин базасы
    The new cars are built on a common platform to reduce costs.
  9. (геологияда) толкун эрозиясынан пайда болгон жалпак таш аянты
    We walked across the rocky platform along the shoreline.