名詞 “platform”
単数 platform、複数 platforms
- 台
The speaker stood on the platform to address the crowd.
- プラットホーム
The train to London is waiting at platform 3.
- 場
The conference provided a platform for new researchers to present their work.
- 政策
The candidate's platform includes plans for improving education.
- プラットフォーム (コンピュータシステム)
This software runs on multiple platforms, including Windows and MacOS.
- プラットフォーム (オンラインサービス)
The social media platform has millions of users around the world.
- 足場
The workers stood on a platform to reach the roof.
- 異なる車種間で共有される部品の基盤
The new cars are built on a common platform to reduce costs.
- 波の侵食によって形成された平坦な岩の領域。
We walked across the rocky platform along the shoreline.