widget (EN)

명사 “widget”

sg. widget, pl. widgets
  1. 위젯
    I added a weather widget to my phone's home screen to quickly check the forecast.
  2. 가상의 제품 (비즈니스 문맥에서 예시로 사용될 때)
    In our business class, we had to calculate the ROI of a widget.
  3. 작은 기기 (이름을 모를 때 사용)
    I found this little widget in the drawer, but I have no idea what it's for.
  4. 스크레이퍼 (페인트를 긁어내는 작은 도구)
    After renovating the windows, he used a widget to scrape off the excess paint that had dried on the glass.