widget (EN)

ot “widget”

sg. widget, pl. widgets
  1. vidjet (ish stoli yoki yon panelga qo'shimcha ma'lumotlarni ko'rsatish uchun qo'shiladigan kichik oyna)
    I added a weather widget to my phone's home screen to quickly check the forecast.
  2. vidjet (biznes kontekstida misol sifatida ishlatiladigan taxminiy mahsulot)
    In our business class, we had to calculate the ROI of a widget.
  3. vidjet (nomi noma'lum bo'lgan har qanday kichik qurilma)
    I found this little widget in the drawer, but I have no idea what it's for.
  4. vidjet (tekis sirtlardan bo'yoqni tozalash uchun pichoq va tutqichga ega kichik asbob)
    After renovating the windows, he used a widget to scrape off the excess paint that had dried on the glass.