widget (EN)
at sözi

at sözi “widget”

sg. widget, pl. widgets
  1. kiçijik penjire (iş stoly ýa-da ýan panelde goşmaça maglumat görkezmek üçin)
    I added a weather widget to my phone's home screen to quickly check the forecast.
  2. mysal hökmünde ulanylýan gipotetiki önüm
    In our business class, we had to calculate the ROI of a widget.
  3. ady bilinmeýän islendik kiçijik enjam
    I found this little widget in the drawer, but I have no idea what it's for.
  4. reňkleri tekiz ýüzlerden gysmak üçin ulanylýan kiçijik gural (pyçak we tutawaçly)
    After renovating the windows, he used a widget to scrape off the excess paint that had dried on the glass.