initiate (EN)
동사, 명사

동사 “initiate”

initiate; he initiates; past initiated, part. initiated; ger. initiating
  1. 시작하다
    The company initiated a new training program for all new employees.
  2. 기초 지식을 가르치다
    The company decided to initiate new employees into the corporate culture with a week-long orientation program.
  3. 정식으로 입회시키다 (특히 비밀 의식이 있는 단체에)
    She was initiated into the ancient society through a secret ceremony in the woods.

명사 “initiate”

sg. initiate, pl. initiates or uncountable
  1. 신입 회원 (단체, 조직, 종교에 최근 가입한 사람)
    After the ceremony, the new initiates were welcomed into the secret society with open arms.