cêkapan “initiate”
infinitif initiate; dhèwèké initiates; lampau initiated; part. lampau initiated; ger. initiating
- miwiti
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The company initiated a new training program for all new employees.
- mulang dhasar
The company decided to initiate new employees into the corporate culture with a week-long orientation program.
- ngangkat dadi anggota (resmi)
She was initiated into the ancient society through a secret ceremony in the woods.
kata benda “initiate”
tunggal initiate, jamak initiates utawa ora bisa diitung
- anggota anyar (sing lagi sinau babagan kelompok, organisasi, utawa agama)
After the ceremony, the new initiates were welcomed into the secret society with open arms.