green (EN)
형용사, 명사, 동사

형용사 “green”

green, greener, greenest
  1. 초록색의
    The green apples on the tree looked ripe and delicious.
  2. 푸른
    The children played all day in the green meadow behind their house.
  3. 환경 보호를 지지하는
    They switched to green packaging to reduce their carbon footprint.
  4. 얼굴이 창백한 (건강하지 않아 보이는 경우)
    After the boat ride, Mike was so green we were afraid he could start vomiting.
  5. 경험이 없는
    Despite her enthusiasm, it was clear from her mistakes that she was still green in the field of graphic design.

명사 “green”

sg. green, pl. greens or uncountable
  1. 녹색
    The walls of her room were painted a soothing shade of green, reminiscent of a lush forest.
  2. 녹색 신호등
    When the greens flashed, the cars knew it was safe to go.
  3. 마을 공원
    The children spent the afternoon playing football on the village green.
  4. (미국 속어)
    He was thrilled when he landed the job, knowing it would bring in a lot of green.
  5. 녹색당 당원
    The greens are pushing for stricter laws on recycling to protect the environment.
  6. 그린 (골프에서)
    After a long day of golf, Jerry finally made it to the last green, ready to putt his ball into the eighteenth hole.
  7. 스누커에서 3점짜리 녹색 공
    In his next shot, he aimed for the green, hoping to pocket it for an easy three points.

동사 “green”

green; he greens; past greened, part. greened; ger. greening
  1. 녹색으로 만들다
    She decided to green the walls of her room to match the garden outside.
  2. 녹색으로 변하다
    As spring arrived, the trees along the riverbank began to green beautifully.
  3. 도시 공간에 식물을 추가하다
    The city plans to green the old industrial area by planting trees and creating public parks.
  4. 환경 지속 가능성에 더 초점을 맞추다
    The city plans to green its public transportation system by adding more electric buses and bike lanes.