believe (EN)

동사 “believe”

believe; he believes; past believed, part. believed; ger. believing
  1. 믿다
    When she told me she had seen a ghost, I didn't believe her.
  2. 신뢰하다
    He believes in his team's ability to win the championship this year.
  3. 생각하다 (어떤 것에 대해 의견을 갖고 있다는 의미에서)
    I believe the weather will be sunny tomorrow, according to the forecast.
  4. 옳다고 생각하다 (무엇인가 바람직하다고 여기는 경우)
    She believes in equal rights for all citizens.
  5. 신앙을 갖다
    They believe deeply in their religion and its teachings.