
bank (EN)
명사, 동사

명사 “bank”

단수 bank, 복수 banks
  1. 은행
    I need to go to the bank to apply for a mortgage.
  2. We walked along the bank of the river enjoying the sunset.
  3. 미래에 사용할 물건을 저장하는 장소
    The hospital's blood bank is running low on supplies.
  4. 더미
    The children sled down the bank of snow behind the house.
  5. 더 큰 구름이나 안개의 덩어리
    A bank of fog rolled in, obscuring the coastline.
  6. 비슷한 물체들이 함께 모여 있는 줄이나 패널
    The engineer checked the bank of monitors for any system errors.
  7. The organist played chords on the lower bank of keys.
  8. 게임에서 딜러나 은행가가 보유한 자금
    During the poker game, Sarah kept a close eye on the bank to see how much money was left for the players to win.

동사 “bank”

부정사 bank; 3인칭 단수 banks; 과거형 banked; 과거분사 banked; 동명사 banking
  1. 예금하다
    She banks her paycheck every Friday.
  2. 의지하다
    You can bank on him to deliver the project on time.
  3. 기울이다
    The pilot banked the airplane sharply to avoid the storm.
  4. 쌓다
    They banked sandbags along the river to prevent flooding.
  5. 불이 천천히 타도록 재로 덮다.
    He banked the fire before going to sleep to keep the cabin warm.