Nafnorð “bank”
eintala bank, fleirtala banks
- banki
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
I need to go to the bank to apply for a mortgage.
- bakki
We walked along the bank of the river enjoying the sunset.
- staður sem geymir hluti til framtíðar notkunar
The hospital's blood bank is running low on supplies.
- hrúga
The children sled down the bank of snow behind the house.
- stærri massi af skýi eða þoku
A bank of fog rolled in, obscuring the coastline.
- röð eða spjald af svipuðum hlutum sem eru hópaðir saman
The engineer checked the bank of monitors for any system errors.
- röð
The organist played chords on the lower bank of keys.
- sjóðir sem haldnir eru af söluaðila eða bankastjóra í leik
During the poker game, Sarah kept a close eye on the bank to see how much money was left for the players to win.
sögn “bank”
nafnháttur bank; hann banks; þátíð banked; lh. þt. banked; nhm. banking
- leggja inn í banka
She banks her paycheck every Friday.
- treysta á
You can bank on him to deliver the project on time.
- halla
The pilot banked the airplane sharply to avoid the storm.
- hrúga upp
They banked sandbags along the river to prevent flooding.
- að hylja eld með ösku svo hann brenni hægt
He banked the fire before going to sleep to keep the cabin warm.