
accommodation (EN)

명사 “accommodation”

단수형 accommodation, 복수형 accommodations 또는 셀 수 없는 것
  1. 숙소
    We need to find accommodation in London for the conference.
  2. 사람들이나 집단 간의 합의나 타협
    After long discussions, they reached an accommodation acceptable to all.
  3. 적응 (과정)
    His quick accommodation to the new environment surprised everyone.
  4. 조절 (다른 거리의 물체에 초점을 맞추기 위한 눈의 자동 조정)
    Accommodation allows us to switch focus between near and far objects.
  5. 필요를 충족시키는 것; 편의시설
    The building has accommodations for wheelchair access.