
accommodation (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “accommodation”

enkelvoud accommodation, meervoud accommodations of ontelbaar
  1. akkommodasie
    We need to find accommodation in London for the conference.
  2. 'n Ooreenkoms of kompromie tussen mense of groepe.
    After long discussions, they reached an accommodation acceptable to all.
  3. aanpassing (proses van aanpassing)
    His quick accommodation to the new environment surprised everyone.
  4. Akommodasie (die outomatiese aanpassing van die oog om op voorwerpe op verskillende afstande te fokus)
    Accommodation allows us to switch focus between near and far objects.
  5. iets wat aan 'n behoefte voldoen; 'n gerief
    The building has accommodations for wheelchair access.