cêkapan “share”
infinitif share; dhèwèké shares; lampau shared; part. lampau shared; ger. sharing
- mènèhi bagean
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
I shared my sandwich with my friend because she forgot her lunch.
- nganggo bebarengan
When we were in college, my brother and I shared a room.
- mbagi dadi sawetara bagean
We shared the last piece of cake equally between us.
- mbocorké informasi
She shared her secret recipe with her best friend.
- ngidinaké liyané ngakses data komputer utawa ruang ing jaringan
I shared the project files with my team by uploading them to our shared cloud storage.
- ngepos ulang kontèn saka wong liya marang pengikut dhéwé
I shared my friend's funny cat video on my Facebook timeline so all my friends could see it.
kata benda “share”
tunggal share, jamak shares utawa ora bisa diitung
- bagean tartamtu
At dinner, everyone got a share of the delicious pie.
- kepemilikan ing perusahaan sing mènèhi hak kanggo bagean saka bathi lan perlindungan saka utangé
After buying shares in the tech company, she became a partial owner and was excited about the potential profits.
- pangaturan sing ngidinaké sumber daya digunakaké déning pangguna liya ing jaringan
To access the documents, connect to the network share using your credentials.
- tumindak nyebaraké kontèn marang liyané liwat platform média sosial
Her tweet about the charity event got thousands of shares overnight.