
sensitivity (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “sensitivity”

tunggal sensitivity, jamak sensitivities utawa ora bisa diitung
  1. kepekaan (kanggo ngerti lan waspada marang perasaan wong liya)
    Her sensitivity makes her a wonderful friend and listener.
  2. kerentanan (gampang tersinggung)
    Sometimes it's necessary to pay attention to the sensitivities of other people.
  3. kerahasiaan (perlu ditangani kanthi ati-ati amarga bisa duwe implikasi negatif yen diterbitake)
    The sensitivity of our internal communication is very high.
  4. kerentanan (ing medis, kecenderungan kanggo duwe reaksi negatif marang zat)
    Her sensitivity to certain medications requires careful prescribing.
  5. kepekaan (ing medis, responsifitas bakteri utawa virus marang perawatan)
    Testing the sensitivity of the bacteria helps determine the right antibiotic.
  6. kepekaan (ing biologi, kapasitas organisme utawa organ kanggo nanggapi rangsangan)
    The plant's sensitivity to light causes it to grow toward the window.
  7. Sensitivitas (ing statistika, tingkat positif sejati; bagean saka kasus positif sing diidentifikasi kanthi bener)
    The screening program has high sensitivity, detecting almost all cases of the disease, but low specificity, i.e. many healthy people are incorrectly selected as well.
  8. kepekaan (ing elektronik, tingkat piranti nanggapi sinyal input)
    Adjusting the microphone's sensitivity improves the sound recording.
  9. kepekaan (ing fotografi, kemampuan film utawa sensor kanggo nanggapi cahya)
    Higher sensitivity allows for better photos in low light conditions.