名詞 “sensitivity”
単数形 sensitivity、複数形 sensitivities または不可算
- 共感力
Her sensitivity makes her a wonderful friend and listener.
- 過敏さ
Sometimes it's necessary to pay attention to the sensitivities of other people.
- 機密性
The sensitivity of our internal communication is very high.
- アレルギー反応
Her sensitivity to certain medications requires careful prescribing.
- 感受性 (治療に対する)
Testing the sensitivity of the bacteria helps determine the right antibiotic.
- 感受性 (刺激に対する)
The plant's sensitivity to light causes it to grow toward the window.
- 感度(統計学において、真陽性率、正しく識別された陽性ケースの割合)
The screening program has high sensitivity, detecting almost all cases of the disease, but low specificity, i.e. many healthy people are incorrectly selected as well.
- 感度 (電子機器)
Adjusting the microphone's sensitivity improves the sound recording.
- 感度 (写真)
Higher sensitivity allows for better photos in low light conditions.