identity (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “identity”

sg. identity, pl. identities or uncountable
  1. identitas
    After moving to a new country, she struggled to maintain her cultural identity.
  2. padanan (kondisi padha karo sing liyane)
    The identity of these two samples required laboratory testing.
  3. prabawa (wujud utawa topeng sing ditampilake marang liyane)
    He assumed a false identity to escape from the police.
  4. persamaan identitas (persamaan sing bener kanggo kabeh nilai variabel)
    In trigonometry, sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1 is a fundamental identity.
  5. fungsi identitas (fungsi sing mbalèkaké unsur sing padha karo sing diwènèhaké)
    The identity function in programming simply returns the value that was passed as an argument.
  6. unsur identitas (unsur ing matematika sing, nalika digabung karo unsur liyane ing operasi tartamtu, ora ngowahi unsur kasebut)
    In matrix multiplication, the identity matrix leaves other matrices unchanged when it is used as a multiplier.