kata benda “depth”
tunggal depth, jamak depths utawa ora bisa diitung
- jero
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The diver reached a depth of 30 meters before ascending.
- jero (dipigunakaké kanggo ukuran saka ngarep nganti mburi)
The depth of the new refrigerator allows for more groceries to be stored.
- ambane (ukuran utawa kajembaran saka rasa ati utawa kaanan)
The depth of his understanding of quantum physics impressed the entire panel.
- jero (dipigunakaké kanggo efek tiga dimensi ing seni visual)
The photographer adjusted the lens to achieve the perfect depth in the portrait.
- jeroan (kanggo wilayah paling jero, asring ing badan banyu)
The submarine explored the depths where sunlight never reaches.
- jeroan (kanggo wilayah sing adoh utawa terpencil)
The explorers ventured into the depths of the jungle.
- waktu paling ala utawa paling tegang sajroning kaanan angel
She struggled to find hope in the depth of her despair.