Nafnorð “subject”
eintala subject, fleirtala subjects
- viðfangsefni
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
They changed the subject when he entered the room.
- námsgrein
His favorite subject at university is history.
- þegn
The queen addressed her subjects during the ceremony.
- frumlag
In "They are studying", "they" is the subject.
- viðfang
Each subject in the study was given a questionnaire.
- stef
The violin introduces the subject in the second movement.
lýsingarorð “subject”
grunnform subject (more/most)
- háður (líklegur til að verða fyrir áhrifum)
Some plants are subject to disease in damp conditions.
- háður (skilyrt af einhverju)
The project is subject to your approval.
- undirorpinn
The contract is subject to labor laws.
sögn “subject”
nafnháttur subject; hann subjects; þátíð subjected; lh. þt. subjected; nhm. subjecting
- láta (einhvern eða eitthvað verða fyrir einhverju)
The patients were subjected to a series of tests.
- undiroka
The king wanted to subject the entire region under his rule.