nom “subject”
s. subject, pl. subjects
- sujet
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They changed the subject when he entered the room.
- matière
His favorite subject at university is history.
- sujet (d'un monarque)
The queen addressed her subjects during the ceremony.
- sujet (grammatical)
In "They are studying", "they" is the subject.
- sujet (d'expérience)
Each subject in the study was given a questionnaire.
- sujet (musical)
The violin introduces the subject in the second movement.
adjectif “subject”
forme de base subject (more/most)
- sujet (à risque de)
Some plants are subject to disease in damp conditions.
- soumis (à condition de)
The project is subject to your approval.
- soumis (à l'autorité de)
The contract is subject to labor laws.
verbe “subject”
infinitif subject; il subjects; prét. subjected; part. passé subjected; gér. subjecting
- soumettre
The patients were subjected to a series of tests.
- assujettir
The king wanted to subject the entire region under his rule.