icon (EN)

Nafnorð “icon”

sg. icon, pl. icons or uncountable
  1. táknmynd
    To open the program, simply double-click on the desktop icon.
  2. helgimynd
    Many people in the church bowed in respect before the icon of the saint.
  3. íkon (í austurlenskri kristni, oft máluð á tré)
    The church's walls were adorned with icons of the Virgin Mary and various saints, each meticulously painted on wooden panels.
  4. táknmynd (sem besta dæmið eða fulltrúi í ákveðnu sviði eða starfsemi)
    Beyoncé is an icon in the music industry, known for her incredible voice and groundbreaking performances.
  5. notandamynd
    She changed her icon on the forum to a picture of her new puppy.