
spring (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “spring”

eintala spring, fleirtala springs eða óteljanlegt
  1. vor
    We planted new seeds in the garden, looking forward to their bloom in spring.
  2. uppspretta
    We found a clear spring in the forest and filled our water bottles.
  3. fjöður
    The old clock's spring broke, causing it to stop working.
  4. teygjanleiki (skýring: eiginleiki hlutar til að snúa aftur í upphaflegt form)
    After years of use, the trampoline has lost its spring and isn't as bouncy.
  5. kraftur (skýring: líflegur andi eða orka)
    After hearing the good news, she couldn't help but have a spring in her step for the rest of the day.
  6. stökk
    The gymnast executed a perfect spring from the floor to the vault.

sögn “spring”

nafnháttur spring; hann springs; þátíð sprang, sprung us; lh. þt. sprung; nhm. springing
  1. að stökkva
    As the dog approached, the squirrel sprang up the nearest tree.
  2. að ryðjast fram (skýring: að gera eitthvað óvænt)
    He sprang the question on her during their casual dinner date.
  3. að birtast skyndilega
    A smile sprang to his lips as he received the good news.
  4. að frelsa (skýring: að hjálpa einhverjum að sleppa úr haldi)
    The daring plan to spring the spy from the high-security prison was like something out of a movie.