
fund (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “fund”

eintala fund, fleirtala funds eða óteljanlegt
  1. sjóður (upphæð af peningum sem er geymd eða úthlutað til ákveðins tilgangs)
    The community set up a fund to raise money for the new playground.
  2. sjóður (stofnun sem stjórnar safni af peningum til fjárfestingar)
    After consulting her financial advisor, she invested in an international fund to diversify her portfolio.
  3. sjóður
    With his fund of knowledge on the subject, he was the perfect candidate to lead the seminar.

sögn “fund”

nafnháttur fund; hann funds; þátíð funded; lh. þt. funded; nhm. funding
  1. fjármagna
    The government agreed to fund the construction of the new hospital in the city center.
  2. leggja í sjóð
    She automatically funds her retirement account each month to prepare for the future.